85ppm HydroHealth Water + Mint Extract
(This product is currently under developement)
Lifestyle and healthy drinks based on our deuterium-depleted water add new and fascinating perspectives both to the industry of beverages and to the satisfaction of the customers.
As the beneficial effects of deuterium-depleted water for the human body continue to baffle scientists and amaze customers worldwide, we stand in the forefront of developing products and technologies that explore the miracles of deuterium-depleted water.
Stay tuned to our information flow by following our press releases, or contact us if you want to become a partener in our evolution.
Want to sell, distribute or franchise this product in your business area? Contact usCLICK HERE
Want to buy this water bulk and bottle it under your own brand? Contact us CLICK HERE
Have a different idea for partenership? Let’s talk. Contact us CLICK HERE