
Certified US Government Supplier


Certified US Government Supplier


My Doctor Is Saying That The High Deterium In My Body Is The Reason Why My Cells Are Not Repairing


“Thanks for giving me a better understanding. I have severe inflammation in the upper gi probably caused by vagus nerve injury in the upper gi (stomach/esophagus) from a surgery that was never suppose to have happene(linx surgery 2027). This inflammation and vagus nerve injury causes chronic nausea 24-7 where I’m completely debilitated. My functional doctor is saying that the high deterium in my body is the reason why my cells are not repairing from his frequency and detox treatments he does at his office with machines. Once we get the deterium levels lower he’s saying the inflammation should go down and my vagus nerve and nerve cells etc should start to go into homeostasis. I been suffering since 2017 and I pray this water heals me.” – A.J.


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